

Automate your workflow by connecting 7,000+ tools to OpenPhone through Zapier.

đź“’ Keep your address book up to date

Add or update contacts in OpenPhone with information from other apps you use.

đź’¬ Automatically send text messages

Trigger a message at just the right time — like at checkout or right before a client’s payment is due.

🔨Build custom workflows

Zapier eliminates the need for manual data entry by connecting your tools and automating repetitive tasks.

Additional info

Zapier is a workflow automation tool that connects to and moves information between different applications you use. Best of all, it works with over 7,000 applications and doesn’t require writing any code.

From sending messages based on activity in another app to keeping your contacts up to date, our Zapier integration enables endless possibilities.

Each Zapier automation (referred to as a “zap”) has a trigger that starts the zap and at least one action that it performs.

Triggers available:

  • Call recording completed
  • Incoming call completed
  • Outgoing message delivered
  • Incoming message received
  • Outgoing call completed

Actions available:

  • Create or update contact
  • Send a text message


Get started

Follow these steps to connect Zapier with OpenPhone:

  1. Log in to your Zapier account or create a new account.
  2. Navigate to "My Apps" from the top menu bar.
  3. Click on "Add connection.”
  4. Search for "OpenPhone.”
  5. Use your credentials to connect your OpenPhone account to Zapier.

More integrations

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