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✈️ Please note: The OpenPhone sales team is at a company-wide offsite March 3-6th, and will be slow to respond. Please expect a delay in our reply, as we will get back to you at our earliest convenience. Thank you!
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Top 100 Highest Satisfaction Product based on 2,300+ reviews on G2

Rated the best business phone

With an average 4.7 stars and over 2,300 reviews, OpenPhone is the #1 business phone in customer satisfaction on G2.

Trusted by 50,000+ businesses
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Meet our sales experts
We’re dedicated to helping you find the right solution for your team

Questions about support, plans, or getting started?

Contact our Sales team

🎄 Please note: our Sales team is only available via text from Tuesday, December 24 until Wednesday, January 1st. If you need assistance during the holiday period, please text us at (415) 429-7155. If you still want to submit a request here, we will respond once we're back on January 2nd. Happy holidays!
We bill per member, and each member comes with a complementary phone line
We bill per member, and each member comes with a complimentary phone line
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